Category: Sprains and Strains

-Methods-for-Reducing-Pain-and-Increasing-Energy. Oct10th 2023

5 Methods for Reducing Pain and Increasing Energy

Are aches and pains disrupting your daily routine? If you’re in need of fast-acting pain relief so you can get back to living your life, physical therapy can help. In physical therapy, you’ll gain access to a customizable treatment program that will provide pain-relief and help combat fatigue. Our highly trained physical therapists have successfully

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sprains and Strains Mar10th 2023

What’s the Difference Between Sprains and Strains?

It is a common misconception that “sprains” and “strains” are interchangeable terms. In reality, there are some key differences between the two. In order to understand how they differ, it is important to first understand what ligaments and tendons are. Ligaments connect bones to bones within a joint, while tendons connect bones to muscles. When

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sprains and strains and how to find relief Oct20th 2019

Sprains, Strains and Ankle Pains! What You Need to Know and When to See a Therapist.

There you are, walking through the park on a bright summer day when suddenly you find a hole with your foot. Before you know it, you are in pain, collapsed in a crumpled heap, hoping no one saw your graceful fall. What do you do? How do you know whether it is an injury that

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